Why Do Raccoons Hiss?

Why Do Raccoons Hiss?

Raccoons have a surprisingly high IQ, which translates to their unique communication abilities. The nocturnal animals are capable of making a variety of sounds depending on the situation. In fact, raccoons are known to make over 200 different kinds of noises. Here are some of the different sounds raccoons make and why they may make them.

Common Sounds Made by Raccoons

Notable sounds made by raccoons include:

  1. Barks and Growls

    Raccoons generally communicate by barking or growling at one another. While it sounds like they are fighting, raccoons will bark to express excitement when they are near food or mating.

  2. Chitters

    Mother raccoons will chitter to her baby raccoons to keep them calm. It is a comforting sound that lets the baby raccoons know they are safe.

  3. Screams and Screeches

    Raccoons will scream and screech as a warning signal for other raccoons that predators are in the area.

While raccoons mainly communicate the above sounds for mating and parenting purposes, they can also make noise to protect their territory. Out of all the noises raccoons make, the most alarming sound to listen out for is hissing.

Why Are Raccoons Hissing?

Raccoons hiss when they feel threatened or sense they are in danger. Hissing is a defense mechanism that mother raccoons often make when male raccoons get too close to their baby raccoons. It is a protective reaction that notifies approaching animals or humans that they are getting too close.

Dangers Posed by Raccoons

If you hear raccoons hissing, it is best to head in the opposite direction. While some may view raccoons as cute and harmless, they can actually be quite dangerous animals. Raccoons are known to carry various diseases, mites, ticks, and other parasites which pose serious health risks to humans and pets. Raccoons also pose a major threat to your property as they like to shelter in warm, dry attics to access nearby food and escape predators and harsh weather conditions. Their invasive tendencies often result in contamination and destruction including shredded insulation, scratched flooring, and broken vents and windows.

If you suspect raccoons to be on your property, never attempt to remove them yourself using unsafe and ineffective DIY methods. Instead, rely on the professional raccoon removal services provided by the licensed and trained wildlife experts at Animal Wildlife Trappers to get rid of nuisance raccoons.

Professional Raccoon Removal Services in Your Area

At Animal Wildlife Trappers, our technicians have the equipment and experience to provide you with high-quality raccoon removal services that ensure the nuisance animals are removed completely and permanently.

To schedule an appointment and receive a free estimate for our safe and humane raccoon removal services, call us today at 352-267-0546.

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