Pros and Cons of Bat Houses

Pros and Cons of Bat Houses

Invasive bats can be difficult to remove from your property for a variety of reasons. There are laws that protect certain bat species, so it is crucial to be aware of the legal ramifications you could face before attempting to remove the nocturnal animals. However, bats are also beneficial to the ecosystem as bug eaters and pollinators, so you may have reason to allow bats to roost on the edge of your property in what is known as a bat house. Here are some of the pros and cons of installing a bat house on your property.

What Are Bat Houses?

Bat houses are tall wooden structures that are about the size of two bird houses stacked on top of each other. Often mounted on perimeter trees at an elevated height, bat houses are roofed with open bottoms through which bats can enter. Bat houses can simultaneously serve as one of the best alternatives to prevent bats from entering your attic while also running the risk of inviting them onto your property in the first place.

Should I Put a Bat House In My Backyard?

One of the biggest pros to a bat house is that allowing bats on your property will provide you with free access to one of nature’s best pest control methods. Bats eat mosquitoes and other insects which will help keep your property free of pests. Coupled with that, bats eat a variety of crop pests which will keep your garden flourishing and your surrounding ecosystem stable. Additionally, you will also be protecting endangered animals by giving bats a safe place to roost and helping them rebuild their population.

The Dangers Bat Houses Pose

On the other hand, there are some serious drawbacks to housing bats on your property in a bat house. The first con is not necessarily the bat house itself, but the danger that comes with having bats on your property. Bats can carry rabies which is a dangerous virus to humans. Another downside to installing a bat house is that bats will litter it with their toxic droppings (or guano) which can be contaminated with a fungal illness called histoplasmosis. In addition to the various diseases they can carry, bats can also cause significant damage to your home. Once a colony of bats out grows your bat house, they will search for the nearest unoccupied space, which is likely your attic. Bats that roost in your attic will destroy your insulation, drywall, flooring, vents, and ceiling.

While having bats roost in a bat house on the edge of your property is a better option than having them roost inside your home, it is better to not attract them to your property at all because of the dangers they pose.

If nuisance bats have roosted on your property, never attempt to remove them yourself. Instead of risking potential bites or exposure to disease by tyring ineffective DIY bat removal methods, rely on the safe and legal bat removal services provided by the wildlife experts at Animal Wildlife Trappers.

Reliable and Effective Bat Removal Services

The licensed and trained animal removal experts at Animal Wildlife Trappers are equipped and experienced to provide you with high-quality bat removal services that ensure the nuisance pests are removed humanely, completely, and permanently.

To schedule an appointment and receive a free bat removal estimate, call us today at 352-267-0546.

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Safe and Humane Techniques for Bat Removal
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